Take a comprehensive reproductive system quiz covering organs, hormones, and cycles to enhance your knowledge. Suitable for students and healthcare practitioners. Let’s begin.

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Reproductive system quiz 1

1 / 20

1. Male sterilisation (vasectomy) involves the cutting of which tube?

2 / 20

2. What is the function of the hormone progesterone?

3 / 20

3. From which source does the majority of the volume of a male ejaculation come?

4 / 20

4. What is a fertilised egg known as?

5 / 20

5. What is the section of the male reproductive tract within which sperm is produced called?

6 / 20

6. What is the function of the epididymis?

7 / 20

7. Both testosterone and FSH contribute to which of the following effects in the male?

8 / 20

8. After ejaculation, sperm travel through the structures of the female reproductive tract in which order?

9 / 20

9. In males, what is the function of the luteinising hormone (LH)?

10 / 20

10. Which cells are targeted by luteinising hormone (LH) inducing the production of which of the listed products?

11 / 20

11. Which cells produce the majority of estrogens?

12 / 20

12. What is the name given to a female’s first menstrual period?

13 / 20

13. In the male reproductive tract, where are sperm produced?

14 / 20

14. Which of the following lists the structures of the female perineal area in the correct order?

15 / 20

15. From the list below, what do WOMEN have as part of their reproductive system that men do not?

16 / 20

16. What is the function of progesterone?

17 / 20

17. What is the role of luteinising hormone (LH) in the female?

18 / 20

18. Which of the following could be accurately said of oogenesis and spermiogenesis?

19 / 20

19. Sperm gain motility as they pass through which structure?

20 / 20

20. From the list below, what do MEN have as part of their reproductive system that women do not?


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Reproductive system quiz 2

1 / 18

1. What is the function of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)?

2 / 18

2. What effect does luteinising hormone have?

3 / 18

3. What do the thecal cells that surround the follicle produce?

4 / 18

4. Which one of the following is NOT a secondary sex characteristic?

5 / 18

5. Below is a list of structures and (in brackets) a hormone that they might produce. Which list is correct?

6 / 18

6. How do sperm cells differ from other cells in the male body?

7 / 18

7. What is the name of the tube that carries sperm from the testes to the prostate gland?

8 / 18

8. Which of the listed structures does the male reproductive tract pass through?

9 / 18

9. In which of the following lists are the structures of the male reproductive tract listed in the correct order from testes to urethra?

10 / 18

10. What is the function of luteinising hormone?

11 / 18

11. Where does fertilisation of the ovum normally occur?

12 / 18

12. Choose the correct statement about LH or FSH.

13 / 18

13. Where should fertilisation of the egg by a sperm occur?

14 / 18

14. Where is the hormone progesterone produced?

15 / 18

15. Which of the following do the testes produce?

16 / 18

16. Where are the ejaculatory ducts located?

17 / 18

17. In the sequence of events known as the ovarian cycle, which of the following does NOT occur?

18 / 18

18. What hormone is released by the corpus luteum in the greatest quantity?


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