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Scientists Develop Pill that Monitors Vital Signs

Reviewed By Isaac D. Agyapong. Written By The lenstapesmed team.

Scientists Develop Pill that Monitors Vital Signs

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Scientists have developed a pill that can monitor vital signs from inside the body. The pill, known as the Entero Phone or physiological status monitoring (PSM) pill, contains special microphones that pick up the sounds of the heart and lungs, as well as a tiny thermometer that measures core body temperature. It is the only pill of its kind that can track three vital signs at once. The pill is designed to be swallowed and is capable of monitoring heart rate, respiration, and core body temperature. The prototype has been successfully tested in pigs, and the researchers plan to conduct human trials in the future. This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize health monitoring, allowing for remote tracking of vital signs and early detection of health issues.


The pill that monitors vital signs, such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and core body temperature, works through innovative technology embedded in an indigestible capsule. The capsule, which is the size of a multivitamin, contains microphones to pick up the sounds of the heart and lungs, a thermometer to measure core body temperature, and a battery for power. As the capsule travels through the digestive system, it can track these vital signs with high accuracy. The captured data is then transmitted at regular intervals to an external receiver, allowing for real-time monitoring and the potential for triggering alerts in case of abnormal vital sign readings. The capsule is designed to be excreted from the body a few days after ingestion. This technology has the potential to revolutionize health monitoring, enabling remote tracking of vital signs and early detection of health issues.


  1. Harvard University (2023). A pill that monitors your vital signs. April 19, 2016. Avaliable at[Accessed: December 27, 2023]
  2. Popular Science (2023). A Pill That Monitors Your Vital Signs. May 18, 2016. Available at: [Accessed: December 27, 2023]
  3. Inside Precision Medicine (2023). Wireless Pill Can Monitor Vital Signs from Stomach. November 17, 2023. Available at: [Accessed: December 27, 2023]
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Reviewed By ike agyapong. Written By The lenstapesmed team.

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