Management of Patients with Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders Quiz

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Management of Patients with Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders Quiz

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1. An early sign of cancer of the larynx in the glottic area (66% of cases) is:

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2. Nursing suggestions for a patient with acute or chronic rhinosinusitis include:

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3. To assess for an upper respiratory tract infection, the nurse should palpate:

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4. Angioedema as a risk factor that leads to laryngeal obstruction is usually caused by:

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5. Airway clearance in a patient with an upper airway infection is facilitated by all of the following except:

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6. Acyclovir, an antiviral agent, is recommended for:

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7. Nursing intervention for a patient with a fractured nose includes all of the following except:

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8. Nursing measures associated with the uncomplicated common cold include all of the following except:

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9. Acute pharyngitis of a bacterial nature is most commonly caused by:

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10. Surgical reduction of nasal fractures is usually performed how long after the fracture?

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11. About 60% of cases of acute rhinosinusitis are caused by bacterial organisms. The antibiotic of choice is:

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12. Patient education for a laryngectomy includes:

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13. A complication of acute pharyngitis can be:

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14. Potential complications of enlarged adenoids include all of the following except:

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15. A patient with a total laryngectomy would no longer have:

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16. The most common bacterial pathogen associated with tonsillitis and adenoiditis is:

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17. To correctly perform the Heimlich maneuver, a person should forcefully apply pressure against the victim’s:

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18. Nursing management for a patient with acute pharyngitis includes:

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19. Health teaching for viral rhinitis (common cold) includes advising the patient to:

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20. To assess for an upper respiratory tract infection, the nurse should inspect:


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